Bystander Intervention in the Workplace

Our trainings are different.


We go beyond legal requirements to align with your organizational values.


We train employees to contribute to a healthy and welcoming work environment.


This training was very straightforward and effective in 1) showing how our experiences can be different than those around us, 2) identifying examples of common situations that can be microaggressions, and 3) giving strategies to constructively intervene in these scenarios. Overall, I was pleased with this training


Training Description
What will your team learn?

When harassment happens at work, people are almost always around and if they aren’t around, they can be quickly summoned to show up. 

Our goal is to reduce instances of workplace harassment by giving employees the tools they need to disrupt those perpetrating the harassment.

We will equip your employees with the right information on how to be an effective online bystander in the midst of workplace harassment using our proven 5Ds methodology; 98% of employees leave our training committing to intervene next time they witness disrespect or harassment.

Customized Training (Optional)

We also provide customized training for companies interested in bringing our bystander training in-house. The optional customized trainings are typically 1.5 hours via zoom or 2 hours in person (although the timing is customizable too) and clients can pick and choose from a menu of options to include:


Topic Description
The Spectrum of Disrespect The spectrum is designed to illustrate that when we accept low-level forms of disrespect (like talking over people) it creates a culture where more severe forms of disrespect (like taking credit for someone else’s idea) become more acceptable. We teach people the importance of intervening in moments of disrespect to establish a workplace culture where more severe forms of harassment are uncommon — or eliminated altogether.


Intersectionality and Implicit Bias Right To Be recognizes that people hold a whole range of identities that may be seen or unseen. We teach people how our multiple identities add up to a whole human being, and that it may be hard to discern why harassment is happening, i.e. “is it because I’m a woman, I’m gay, I’m latinx, or all three?” We also explain how bias can be unconscious and unintended (i.e. implicit), and we frame the work of undoing bias as a lifelong journey that all of us are on. 


What to do if You Are Disrespectful We recognize that many people hold a paralyzing fear of being called out for being disrespectful and that a “bad response” to being called out can have a silencing effect. We help people become aware of their emotions and get curious when confronted with an incident of harassment or disrespect. We also talk about what a meaningful apology should look like, and what action you can take to prevent the incident from re-occurring.


Bystander Tactics We provide detailed illustrations of each of the 5Ds in action. The training culminates with the question, “If you were to walk out of here and witness harassment in your workplace, do you feel there is at least one thing you could do to intervene?” To-date, 97% of our trainees respond ‘yes’ and 3% respond ‘maybe’.



Who we’ve worked with

Talk to Our Team

Are you a human resources professional looking for SHRM Recertification? Our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace training offers PDCs!

To discuss organizational engagement with Right To Be via our specialized company-wide training opportunities, our Corporate Accomplices Program, or Corporate Sponsorships Program, contact us at [email protected] or click here.


Right To Be

Upcoming training

Bystander Intervention in the Workplace

September 26, 2023

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

Right To Be

Upcoming training

Bystander Intervention in the Workplace

October 5, 2023

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

Right To Be

Upcoming training

Bystander Intervention in the Workplace

September 26, 2023

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST



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Taking care of yourself

is a revolutionary act

Resources you can use to begin healing, build resilience, and get trained to

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